Book the Gym

Please note that, whilst we have now lifted the suspension on inductions, we are currently working through our wait list to provide inductions to those who were added to it during the suspension. For people with new enquiries requesting inductions, they will be added to the wait list if they wish - please see details below.

The reason for the use of the wait list, and the earlier suspension on inductions, is that the gym is nowadays often fully booked - especially at prime times - and we anticipate that usage will remain high throughout the winter, as it usually does.

In the meantime, anyone wishing to join the gym should apply as usual via the CDCN website, or by emailing directly to

Thank you.


Great news! Nesting Gym members can now make payment for their gym bookings with Apple Pay and Google Pay. Your next gym session is just two clicks away.


As you can see in the photos below, we have a good range of equipment! It's all quality stuff—we know you'll like it.

  • a power rack with a weight stack and pulley system

  • two high quality incline / decline benches, one of which will have a leg exercising attachment

  • three 7ft Olympic barbells, one of them is a Texas Powerbar

  • a 6ft Olympic barbell

  • a 5ft Olympic barbell

  • an EZ bar

  • a trap bar

  • 315kg of new rubber coated tri-grip plates: 4 - 25kg, 4 - 20kg, 4 - 15kg, 4 - 10kg, 4 - 5kg, 4 - 2.5kg and 4 - 1.25kg

  • we also have a good quantity of used plates in good condition, including 4 at 25kg and two at 20kg

  • a selection of dumbbells from 1kg to 10kg in 1kg increments, and from 2.5kg to 30kg in 2.5kg increments.

  • two Concept 2 rowing machines

  • a Life Fitness heavy duty treadmill

  • a Life Fitness heavy duty cross-trainer

  • an exercise bike

The gym has an adjoining toilet with shower, plus a cloakroom area in the entrance hallway.

SAD Lights

Also available will be two Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) mobile lights; these are quality units, that may assist in combating the effects of the long dark Shetland winter; they will be free to use by anyone in the gym.

Open 24 Hours

Access to the gym will utilises a key-fob type system monitored by cameras. Hour long sessions can be booked on this page. Sessions can be booked at any time of the day or night.

Changing/Cancelling an existing booking

For instructions on how to alter or cancel an existing booking please click here.


Please Contact us to book an induction.

Book the Gym